Thursday 23 April 2015

These Fats are Healthy

We have been talking about avoiding fats and fat laden foods to stay healthy because of the effect on your heart. But I also have posted several times that not all fats is bad. There are some "good" fats you can incorporate into your meals and they provide no ill health to you.
Here are a few of them:

1. Avocados: They’re delicious, creamy and luscious, so what’s not to love about avocados? A good serving contains approximately 3g of fat, and 75% of that fat comes from the “good” monos and polys-good fats. Avocados also contain nearly 20 different vitamins, minerals and beneficial phytonutrients. And they are cheap and available.

2. PORK: Pork is rich in monounsaturated fat, and ounce-for-ounce, pork tenderloin contains less fat than a chicken breast. That’s good news, considering
the fact that many of us here do not know this and we also think that pork is all fat. In fact, a recent study of overweight adults found that regular consumption of fresh, lean pork served to improve body composition and cardiovascular risk factors

3. WALNUTS: We all see it all the time as it’s is peddled around our vehicles on transit. At some points along as the traffic jam up and our trip drag on. Reach out and grab it next time. With nearly 3g of healthy monounsaturated fat per 1-oz serving, walnuts are also nutritional dynamos, packing a powerful punch of protein, fibre, magnesium, and phosphorus — all important nutrients for optimal health. For a crunchy and tasty snack, try these Parmesan Herbed Walnuts.

4. ALMONDS: Though not very popular especially in some villages but you can still find it even in shops in the cities if you ask for it. Reaching for a small handful of almonds will supply you with a tasty, protein-packed snack that contains 9g of monounsaturated fat per 1-oz serving — that’s about 23 whole almonds. This nutrient-dense nut is also a terrific source of vitamin E, magnesium and manganese, as well as a good source of fiber, copper, phosphorus, and riboflavin.

5. OLIVE OIL: Just one tablespoon of olive oil contains about 10g of monounsaturated fat, and only 2g of saturated fat. Due to its high monounsaturated content, olive oil is a terrific option for boosting heart health. Use regular olive oil to sauté a variety of colorful veggies or you can even bake with it. Extra virgin olive oil (which is a bit more expensive) is made from the first pressing of the olives and contains the highest antioxidant levels, but these also start degrading sooner when exposed to heat. 

More of this coming your way soon.If you have any question just drop it in the comment box below or check our facebook page and ping me via BBM or whatsApp.

Note:1 oz(ounce) = 28.4grams
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